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How do I view historic changes to my content?

View previously published changes to your pages and templates



CMS Pages
Design Manager Templates

Your HubSpot Website, Landing and Blog Pages

How to view previous published versions of your content pages. 

To view historical published versions of your Blog, Website or Landing pages within the HubSpot CMS navigate to the page you wish to view.

Content → Website/Landing Pages or Blog → Choose your page

Within your page click on the "Save" link on the top right by your "preview" and "Update/Publish" buttons.

In here you will see a link to see "version history" which will bring you to the list of all previously published versions of your page. 

In the version history page you can view any previously published versions of your page through the center screen, and you can choose from any of your previously published versions through the panel on the left. 

If you wish to restore any previous version simply choose the version you wish to restore and selecting "restore this version" on the top right of your screen. 

HubSpot currently only saves published versions of pages as a revision. Saved but unpublished versions of your pages will not be saved and cannot be restored. 


Your theme templates and design files. 

How to view previous published edits to any files within your HubSpot design manager

Content → Design Manager  → Your theme folder

Within your design manager you should have a folder for your theme or child theme you wish to view. Enter this folder through the menu on the left of your screen. Once in the correct folder choose the file you wish to view your revisions of. 

Once your file has been opened select the "Actions" menu on the left panel and then "Show Revision History". In here you will be shown all published revisions of your file.  

Select any of these revisions to view this published version, if you wish to restore this hover over the revision and select "Revert" to revert this file back to this state.