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POWER Sec CTA Module

How to configure the Sec CTA module for POWER Pro theme in HubSpot



Create compelling CTA layouts to convert site visitors or add buttons to your page.


Page Speed Impact


Very minimal impact to page load speed when used as a button and when you keep the number of CTAs on a page low.


Can increase page load speed when using a HubSpot CTA.

HubSpot's tracking code for CTAs adds extra code to the page that has to be loaded.


Only use CTAs for actions that are part of your critical conversion path(s) or that you are actively tracking in a campaign.

Buttons can be set up to match any CTA style from your theme settings, including the 4 custom styles.


What is the difference between a Mini CTA and Sec CTA?

The Mini CTA can be used in a custom drag-and-drop section and the Sec CTA is designed to be used as an section.

Module Options


The main heading for the section; can be left blank to hide on the page.

Title - Header Type

Choice of H1, H2, H3, or H4. This is how Google will determine the heading type. This does not control the formatting of the font, there is a separate setting under Style → Title Size to determine how the heading will display.


You can add any amount of body text here or it can be left blank to hide on the page.


Add or remove a number of Buttons, CTAs or add a blank space with a "none" choice. 

Button(s) → Button Type → CTA

When CTA is chosen, the option to Choose CTA is available which opens the HubSpot CTA sidebar where you can choose an existing CTA or create a new CTA.

Button(s) → Button Type → Button

When Button is chosen, additional settings are available to configure the button.

Button(s) → Button → Button Title

Button Title is the text that will appear on the button

Button(s) → Button → Button Link

The Button Link dropdown allows you to choose the type of link to include for the button: External, Content, File, Email Address, Blog, Phone number, Payment or Pop-up CTA. 

Based on your selection, you can either add the URL, email address or phone number or choose the page, file, blog post, Pop-up CTA or payment link.

Button(s) → Button → Open in New Window

There is a toggle to allow you to open the link in a new window. The default is set to open in the same window/tab.

Tip: If your link is leaving your website, it is recommended to open it in a new window.

Button(s) → Button → Link Type

There is a check box for "No Follow" which allows you to indicate that the link is not associated with your website. This setting has SEO implications if used incorrectly.

Button(s) → Button → Use Internal URL instead

If this is to use an on page anchor link to link to another part of your page. Adding an item in here will overwrite any links chosen previously for this button.

Button(s) → Style → CTA Style

Option to choose any of the CTA/button styles configured in your theme settings including:

  • Solid Primary
  • Solid Regular
  • Solid Regular for Primary Background
  • Border Primary
  • Border Regular
  • Link
  • Link Back
  • Custom 01
  • Custom 02
  • Custom 03
  • Custom 04

Button(s) → Style → CTA Size

Ability to override the default size of the CTA with choices for Regular, Long, Full Width, Small, and Large.

Layout → Choose Layout

There are three layout options available: Horizontal, Vertical, or CTA-only


Layout → Intro Width

This allows you to control the width of the text, with two choices: Narrow or Default.

The module is set to "Narrow" when you add it to the page (this was the original layout prior to adding this choice as a setting). Narrow limits the width of the section text (title, and description) within the section.

"Default" allows the text to fill the width of the module; the width is dependent on whether the section is set to "content width" or "full width" in the section settings.


Layout → Centered

By default, the section text (intro to title, title, and description) is left-aligned. If you want the text to be centered, you can check this box.

Layout → Padding & Margin Top and Bottom

Choice of Standard, None, Small, Medium, Large, or First Section with Header. Refer to your theme settings for these for more information on this sizing. 

Style → Color Scheme

Choice of Light, Dark, or Primary.

Tip: If you change the background color for the module, the definition of Light Color scheme is a light background with dark text and Dark Color scheme is a dark background with light text. Based on your background color, you would need to toggle the color scheme to ensure the text color displays properly and is legible.

Style →  Title Style

The Default uses the text style from the Theme Settings based on the color scheme selected.

You can override the Theme Settings by choosing Color or Gradient and completing the corresponding color settings.

Style →  Title Size

The Default is set to match what you chose for Title Header-Type, what Google sees from an SEO perspective. This setting gives you the option to change the Title Size to H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, or H6 so that the text will be styled based on your Theme Settings for the corresponding header tag chosen here.

Style → Background

Choice of Background Color, Background Image/Video, Background Gradient, or Transparent. Refer to Settings that apply to all Section Modules for more details about these choices.

Style → Shape Divider

Optional Shape Divider(s) can be added to the top or bottom of this module. Refer to Settings for configuring Shape Dividers for more details about these choices.


Checkbox to turn on/off Animate on Scroll. Turning off here will only apply to this section, to turn animation off globally refer to Theme Options for Animations.

Animation → Section

Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Section. 

Animation → Title

Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Title.

Animation → Description

Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Description.

Animation → Button/CTA

Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Button/CTA.

Tip: When modifying animation settings for an individual section, we recommend opening the preview link in a separate tab so you can easily preview the changes as you make them by refreshing the page.


Choose to hide your module on specific screen sizes. For more information see common module information

Anchor Link ID

Set an anchor link for the module. Can be used to create a link directly to that section on the page and/or to include in an on-page menu (like Sticky Sub-Menu) to allow users to jump to that section without scrolling.

Easily add an anchor link to this section, for full instructions refer to Setting up Anchor Links.

Custom Class

Ability to add a Custom Class to use in the child.css for individual customizations.

See full instructions for setting a Custom Class for Section Modules.

Is in Viewport?

Performance setting to determine how the CSS is loaded for the module.


If the module is at the top of the page and located within the viewport of the browser, check this option to ensure the CSS loads on page load.

If the module is outside of the viewport, especially on mobile, uncheck this box so the CSS loads asynchronously.

Learn more about this setting as it relates to Page Speed and Core Vitals.




Layout Choose Layout


Layout Padding Top and Padding Bottom


Style Color Scheme


Style CTA Style

Solid Regular for Primary Background

Style  Background

Background Image, 2560px x 1707px

Style → Background → Background Position


Style → Background → Background Image Overlay


Style → Background → Overlay Color

#1a1d17 set to 40%

Style → Background → Gradient Direciton

Vertical - Top to Bottom

Style → Background → Overlay Gradient Color 1

#171b25 set to 40%

Style → Background → Overlay Gradient Color 2

#171b25 set to 100%

The overlay gradient colors should match the color used for the footer or the section above or below the CTA section that you want to blend it with.




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