POWER Sec Images
How to configure an Image Slider, Image Comparison, and Image Hotspots with the Sec Images module
Depending on the layout chosen, only the necessary CSS and JS are loaded.
If the module is not in the browser viewport (especially on mobile), you can further improve the performance by unchecking the "Is in Viewport?" setting.
If used in the browser viewport it will increase the impact on page speed.
Using more than one layout on the same page can also increase the page load time.
Convert images to WebP where possible to meet criteria to serve images in next-gen format.
To reduce image file sizes without losing quality, use TinyPNG to compress your images (JPG, PNG, WebP).
Why aren't the navigation arrows showing for my slider?
When using the slider layout, the Section content alignment setting has to be set to Full Width for the navigation arrows to display properly.
Intro to Title
The smaller text above the title; can be left blank to hide on the page.
The main heading for the section; can be left blank to hide on the page.
Title - Header Type
Choice of H1, H2, H3, or H4. This is how Google will determine the heading type. This does not control the formatting of the font, there is a separate setting under Style → Title Size to determine how the heading will display.
You can add any amount of body text here or it can be left blank to hide on the page.
Images added here are not compatible with the updated slider settings. If your images are using this setting they will continue to work, but we recommend rebuilding your slider with the new Image Item(s) setting.
Image Item(s)
Click Add one to select the first image for the slider. Additional images can be added by clicking + Add or hovering over the existing image and cloning it.
Image Item(s) → Image
Add, Replace, or Remove the image.
Image Item(s) → Alt text
Add or update alt text for the image selected.
Image Item(s) → Width
Update the width of the image, Height will remain proportional to the original image dimensions as you change the width.
Image Item(s) → Height
Update the height of the image, Width will remain proportional to the original image dimensions as you change the height.
Image Item(s) → Link → Link to
Choose whether to link the image to External, Content, FIle, Email address, or Blog. Once selected, the corresponding setting to configure the link will be visible.
Image Item(s) → Link → Open link in new window
Check the box to determine whether the link will open in the current browser tab/window or open in a new tab/windw.
Image Item(s) → Link → Link type
Option to configure the link as No follow, changing this setting can impact your SEO.
A No follow link is typically reserved for links to external sources (not internal content).
Layout → Choose Layout
There are six layout options available:
Slider One by One ↓, Slider One by One (Custom Height) ↓, Slider Multiple ↓, Image Comparison ↓, Image Hotspots ↓, and Lottie File ↓.
Once the layout is selected, the corresponding settings will appear above the Layout section.
By default, the Slider Settings are visible before you get to the Layout section.
Layout → Choose Layout → Slider One by One
The image is shown in the same proportions as it is loaded.
Layout → Choose Layout → Slider One by One (custom height)
Option to set the height of the image to a specific height.
Layout → Choose Layout → Slider Multiple
Option to show multiple images instead of a single image.
The slider displays four images in a row, if less than four images are loaded the images will repeat.
Layout → Choose Layout → Slider Multiple → How many images should be shown?
Set the number of images to be shown, default is 4.
Slider Settings
This setting is only visible when the Layout is one of Slider One by One, Slider One by One (custom height), and Slider Multiple.
Layout → Choose Layout
Choice between One by one (display each testimonial individually) with 2 different style options, Multiple (show multiple testimonials at once and two or three column listings (display testimonials in columns or two or three).
Slider Settings → Autoplay
Checkbox to activate autoplay. If turned on, the image slider rotates automatically.
Slider Settings → Autoplay → Autoplay - Interval Timeout
Autoplay time in milliseconds. This setting is only visible if Autoplay is checked.
Slider Settings → Navigation - Arrows
Checkbox to activate the arrows on the left and right of the slider for navigation.
This option requires the Section to be set to Full Width.
Slider Settings → Navigation - Bullets
Checkbox to activate the bullets below the slider for navigation.
Slider Settings → Navigation - Bullets as Overlay
Checkbox to overlay the bullets on top of the images rather than below. This setting is only visible if Navigation - Bullets is checked.
Layout → Image Comparison
See Image Comparison in Action
Also known as before and after images, the Image Comparison layout allows you to compare two images.
Image Comparison → Image (Left)
Set the Image visible on the left, this is also the image visible by default for the toggle or before hovering (typically labeled as the Before image).
Image Comparison → Image Alt. (Right)
Set the Image visible on the right, this is also the image visible after activating the toggle or on hover (typically labeled as the After image).
Image Comparison → Label Left
Add the text to display on the Left Image (e.g. Before).
Image Comparison → Label Right
Add the text to display on the Left Image (e.g. Before).
Image Comparison → Hover Note
Add the text to display on mobile to indicate that the user should tap the image to change from the Left image to the Right image. This setting is only visible if the Comparison Variant is set to Hover.
Image Comparison → Layout → Comparison Variant
Choice of Before/After Slider, Toggle, or Hover.
Image Comparison → Layout → Max Width
If not set to Full Width, this can be set to allow the max width to be smaller than the content width.
Image Comparison → Style → Color Scheme
Choice of Light, Dark, or Inherit.
Sets the color scheme for the image labels, if set to inherit the settings from the module style settings apply.
Image Comparison → Style → Color Toggle Active
For Toggle Layout, the option to change the default background color when the toggle is active.
Image Comparison → Animation → Icon Animation
Choice of None or Pulse.
Layout → Image Hotspots
Option to configure hotspots to identify points of interest as an overlay on an image.
Image Hotspots → Image
Select the image to use as the background for your hotspots.
Image Hotspots → Hotspot(s)
Configure up to 10 hotspots to overlay on the image.
Image Hotspots → Hotspot(s) → Hotspot Text
Add the text that is visible on hover, the width of the text box on hover is narrow and works best with shorter texts.
Image Hotspots → Hotspot(s) → Icon Text
Add a number or character to label the Hotspot. Only visible when Number/Character is selected as the Icon Style.
Image Hotspots → Hotspot(s) → Position X
The position of the hotspot is based on an X and Y grid - think of the upper left corner as 0,0 and the bottom right as 100,100. The middle of the image is 50,50.
Position X is the horizontal placement, with far-left being 0 and far-right being 100.
Image Hotspots → Hotspot(s) → Position Y
Position Y is the vertical placement, with the very top being 0 and the very bottom being 100.
Image Hotspots → Layout → Max Width
If not set to Full Width, this can be set to allow the max width to be smaller than the content width.
Image Hotspots → Style → Icon Style
Choice of Plus (+) or Number/Character (single digit).
Image Hotspots → Style → Overwrite Icon Color?
Option to configure the color for the hotspot icon background. The default is your Primary color from Theme Settings.
Image Hotspots → Style → Color Scheme
Choice of Light, Dark, or Inherit.
Sets the color scheme for the image labels, if set to inherit the settings from the module style settings apply.
Lottie File
Configure the settings for the animation.
Lottie File > Lottie Asset Link
Add the JSON link from your Lottie Account (how to get the Lottie File link):
⚠️ When the Lottie File is added to the page, it will show a blank space. The animation is only visible on the preview page or live page.
Lottie File > Layout > Max Width
The default Max Width is set to 20px, adjust this accordingly to work with your layout:
Lottie File > Lottie Player Settings
The animation is set to Autoplay and Loop by default.
Autoplay: uncheck the box to require click interaction to start the animation.
Speed: the default is 1, setting speed to less than 1 will make it slower and greater than 1 will make it faster.
Loop: uncheck the box to play the animation only once, otherwise the animation will loop. The default is to loop indefinitely.
Count: defines the number of times to loop the animation. Setting the count property to 0 and keeping Loop checked, loops the animation indefinitely.
Intermission: the duration to pause before playing each cycle in a looped animation. Set this parameter to 0 (no pause) or any positive number.
Hover: check the box to play the animation when the user hovers the mouse over the icon.
Background Color: the default setting is set to transparent so the animation inherits the background from the module or section. Select a hex value to change the background color and set the transparency percentage to greater than 0% to make it visible.
Controls: displays player controls.
Layout → Full Width
Option to have the slider or image span the full width of the screen.
This is different from the setting for the Section content and alignment that must be set to Full Width for the slider to work as expected.
Layout → Intro Width
This allows you to control the width of the text, with two choices: Narrow or Default.
The module is set to "Narrow" when you add it to the page (this was the original layout prior to adding this choice as a setting). Narrow limits the width of the section text (intro to title, title, and description) within the section.
"Default" allows the text to fill the width of the module; the width is dependent on whether the section is set to "content width" or "full width" in the section settings.
Layout → Centered
By default, the section text (intro to title, title, and description) is left-aligned. If you want the text to be centered, you can check this box.
Layout → Padding Top and Padding Bottom
Choice of Standard, None, Small, Medium, Large, or First Section with Header. Refer to Settings that apply to all Section Modules for more details about these choices.
Style → Color Scheme
Choice of Light or Dark.
Tip: If you change the background color for the module, the definition of Light Color scheme is a light background with dark text and Dark Color scheme is a dark background with light text. Based on your background color, you would need to toggle the color scheme to ensure the text color displays properly and is legible.
Style → Intro Title Style - Text
The Default uses the text style from the Theme Settings based on the color scheme selected.
You can override the Theme Settings by choosing Color or Gradient and completing the corresponding color settings.
Style → Intro Title Style - Background
The Default is transparent, where the text is displayed directly on the background for the module.
You can apply a background Color or Gradient to the text to give the appearance of a highlight behind the text.
Style → Intro Title Style - Border Radius
When a background color or gradient is applied, you will also have the option to configure the Border Radius in pixels.
If not set, the default Border Radius from your Theme Settings will apply.
Style → Title Style
The Default uses the text style from the Theme Settings based on the color scheme selected.
You can override the Theme Settings by choosing Color or Gradient and completing the corresponding color settings.
Style → Title Size
The Default is set to match what you chose for Title Header-Type, what Google sees from an SEO perspective. This setting gives you the option to change the Title Size to H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, or H6 so that the text will be styled based on your Theme Settings for the corresponding header tag chosen here.
Style → Background
Choice of Background Color, Background Image/Video, Background Gradient, or Transparent. Refer to Settings that apply to all Section Modules for more details about these choices.
Style → Shape Divider
Optional Shape Divider(s) can be added to the top or bottom of this module. Refer to Settings for configuring Shape Dividers for more details about these choices.
Checkbox to turn on/off Animate on Scroll. Turning off here will only apply to this section, to turn animation off globally refer to Theme Options for Animations.
Animation → Section
Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Section.
Animation → Intro to Title
Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Intro to Title.
Animation → Title
Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Title.
Animation → Description
Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Description.
Animation → Images
Ability to change the Animation Type and Delay for the Images.
Anchor Link ID
Set an anchor link for the module. Can be used to create a link directly to that section on the page and/or to include in an on-page menu (like Sticky Sub-Menu) to allow users to jump to that section without scrolling.
Easily add an anchor link to this section, for full instructions refer to Setting up Anchor Links.
Custom Class
Ability to add a Custom Class to use in the child.css for individual customizations.
See full instructions for setting a Custom Class for Section Modules.
Is in Viewport?
Performance setting to determine how the CSS is loaded for the module.
If the module is at the top of the page and located within the viewport of the browser, check this option to ensure the CSS loads on page load.
If the module is outside of the viewport, especially on mobile, uncheck this box so the CSS loads asynchronously.
Learn more about this setting as it relates to Page Speed and Core Vitals.
Layout → Choose Layout
Slider One by One (Custom Height)
Layout → Section height
550 px
Layout → Image Position
Layout → Full Width
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Slider Settings → Autoplay
Slider Settings → Autoplay - Interval Timeout
Slider Settings → Navigation -Bullets
Slider Settings → Bullets as Overlay
Layout → Choose Layout
Slider One by One (Custom Height)
Layout → Section height
550 px
Layout → Image Position
Layout → Full Width
NOT Checked
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Slider Settings → Autoplay
Slider Settings → Autoplay - Interval Timeout
Slider Settings → Navigation - Bullets
Slider Settings → Bullets as Overlay
Layout → Choose Layout
Slider Multiple
Layout → How many images should be shown?
Layout → Full Width
NOT Checked
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Slider Settings → Autoplay
Slider Settings → Autoplay - Interval Timeout
Slider Settings → Navigation -Bullets
Slider Settings → Bullets as Overlay
Layout → Choose Layout
Slider Multiple
Layout → How many images should be shown?
Layout → Full Width
NOT Checked
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Slider Settings → Autoplay
Slider Settings → Autoplay - Interval Timeout
Slider Settings → Navigation - Arrows
Slider Settings → Navigation - Bullets
Slider Settings → Bullets as Overlay
Layout → Choose Layout
Image Comparison
Layout → Full Width
NOT Checked
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Style → Color Scheme
Image Comparison → Label Left
Image Comparison → Label Right
Image Comparison → Layout → Comparison Variant
Image Comparison → Layout → Max Width
Image Comparison → Style → Color Scheme
Image Comparison → Style → Color Toggle Active
Layout → Choose Layout
Image Comparison
Layout → Full Width
NOT Checked
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Style → Color Scheme
Image Comparison → Label Left
Image Comparison → Label Right
Image Comparison → Hover Note
Image Comparison → Layout → Comparison Variant
Image Comparison → Layout → Max Width
Image Comparison → Style → Color Scheme
Layout → Choose Layout
Image Comparison
Layout → Full Width
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Style → Color Scheme
Image Comparison → Label Left
Image Comparison → Label Right
Image Comparison → Hover Note
Image Comparison → Layout → Comparison Variant
Before/After Slider
Image Comparison → Layout → Max Width
Image Comparison → Style → Color Scheme
Layout → Choose Layout
Image Hotspots
Layout → Full Width
NOT Checked
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Style → Color Scheme
Image Hotspots → Layout → Max Width
Image Hotspots → Style → Icon Style
Image Hotspots → Style → Overwrite Icon Color
Image Hotspots → Style → Icon Color Scheme
Layout → Choose Layout
Image Hotspots
Layout → Full Width
NOT Checked
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Style → Color Scheme
Image Hotspots → Layout → Max Width
Image Hotspots → Style → Icon Style
Image Hotspots → Style → Overwrite Icon Color
Image Hotspots → Style → Icon Color Scheme
Image Hotspots → Image
Original file is 2560 px x 711 px (compressed webP)
Layout → Choose Layout
Image Hotspots
Layout → Full Width
Layout → Centered
Layout → Padding Top
Layout → Padding Bottom
Style → Color Scheme
Image Hotspots → Layout → Max Width
Image Hotspots → Style → Icon Style
Image Hotspots → Style → Overwrite Icon Color
Image Hotspots → Style → Icon Color Scheme
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- SEC Accordion
- SEC Breadcrumbs
- Coming Soon
- SEC Form
- SEC Images
- SEC Map
- SEC Post Preview
- SEC Simple Listing
- SEC Stats Counter
- SEC Steps
- SEC Timeline
- Sticky Sub-Menu
- SUB Accordion
- SUB Stats Counter
- SUB Steps
- Mini CTA
- Mini Icon
- Mini Tag
- Previous Next Navigation
- Page Settings
- HS Heading
- HS Divider
- HS Rich Text
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